Conference Venue

International Communication Center, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China


Address: No.1  Cross, No.2 Street, Qiantang District, Hangzhou, China


The International Communication Center is located at No.1, No.2 Street, Qiantang District, Hangzhou, China, in Hangzhou Dianzi University. It has 157 guest rooms, a perfect conference venue and catering facilities, a quiet and peaceful environment, and the unique scenery of the campus can be seen through the window. The center is conveniently located about 22 kilometers from West Lake, 15 kilometers from East Railway Station and 20 kilometers from the airport, allowing you to enjoy easy travel. 


钟灵毓秀,人杰地灵, 国际交流中心位于杭州钱塘区2号大街1号路口(地铁1号线文泽路B口),杭州电子科技大学校园内,拥有客房157间,有完善的会议场地及餐饮配套,闹中取静,环境清幽,推窗可见校园内独特的风景。本中心交通便利,距离西湖约22公里,火车东站约15公里,飞机场约20公里,让您尽享轻松出行。